Dhaka, Bangladesh
Since 2021

We're here to serve the people who needs us!

Our aim, passion, and only mindset is to make the world a better place and to do that we are here to help the people who are in need. Also, we are promised to take care of our mother nature as well.


Welcome to Save East Foundation, where our passion meets purpose in serving the communities of Bangladesh. Established in 2021, Save East Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to making a tangible difference in the lives of those residing in the eastern regions of Bangladesh.

At Save East Foundation, we believe in the power of collective action and the transformative potential of philanthropy. Our mission is to foster sustainable development, empower marginalized communities, and protect the environment for future generations. We envision a Bangladesh where every individual has access to basic necessities, opportunities for growth, and a voice that is heard.

Our Values

Transparency: We uphold the highest standards of transparency and accountability in all our endeavors. We believe that openness fosters trust among our supporters and stakeholders, enabling us to work together effectively towards common goals.

Empowerment: We are dedicated to empowering communities to become agents of change in their own right. By providing resources, education, and support, we aim to equip individuals with the tools they need to create lasting positive impact in their lives and surroundings.

Collaboration: We recognize that meaningful change requires collaboration across sectors and disciplines. We actively seek partnerships with local organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to maximize our collective impact and address complex challenges comprehensively.

Sustainability: Our approach to development is grounded in sustainability, both environmental and social. We strive to implement programs and initiatives that not only meet immediate needs but also contribute to long-term resilience and well-being.

Our Initiatives

Save East Foundation implements a wide range of initiatives aimed at addressing pressing issues facing communities in eastern Bangladesh. From education and healthcare to environmental conservation and livelihood enhancement, our programs are designed to address the multifaceted needs of the region.

Education: We believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and breaking the cycle of poverty. Through initiatives such as school construction, scholarship programs, and teacher training, we are working to improve access to quality education for children and youth in underserved areas.

Healthcare: Access to healthcare is a fundamental human right. Save East Foundation supports healthcare initiatives that increase access to essential services, promote preventive care, and improve maternal and child health outcomes in rural communities.

Environment: The natural beauty and biodiversity of Bangladesh are treasures to be cherished and protected. We are committed to environmental conservation efforts that preserve ecosystems, mitigate climate change, and promote sustainable resource management practices.

Livelihoods: Economic empowerment is essential for building resilient communities. Save East Foundation implements livelihood enhancement programs that provide training, resources, and support to individuals and families, enabling them to generate sustainable incomes and improve their quality of life.

Get Involved

Join us in our mission to save and empower the communities of eastern Bangladesh. Whether you're interested in volunteering, donating, or collaborating on projects, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. Together, we can create a brighter future for all.

Our Progress

Check below what we are doing

From the beginning, we aimed and started our organization with a motto to save nature and its living beings. We may not be able to cure it all but we always try our best to help people who need it most.


Available volunteers




Donated in 2023


People smiled

Let's Create an amazing Planet for everyone!

We all came from the same mother nature so it's important to protect nature and also be stand with other people in need as we all equal in one direction. So, get involved, and let's make the world a better place.
